How can I unpair and re-set my Nixplay frame to its original factory settings?

A factory reset will only work successfully if your frame is unpaired from your account.

Unpair your frame

Using Web App

1. Go to and log in to your account.

2. Go to the frames tab and then select your frame

3. Scroll down and press the remove frame button on the lower right side of the page.

4. Enter your account password

Using Mobile App

1. Open Nixplay App

2. Press the "Frames" option at the bottom of the App screen

3. Press the Settings option on the upper right

4. Scroll down and press the red unpair button on the screen

5. Enter your account password and hit the unpair button again

Reset the frame to the original factory settings

1. You need to have a paper clip to hand.

2. Unplug the AC Adapter from the frame.

3. Using a paperclip, press and hold the reset switch button inside a small hole, the location noted below is based on the frame model. (Please do not use a push pin as it can damage the switch).

For Nixplay Original Frame models - W08A, W012A, and W18A, the reset button hole is below the power plugin.

For Nixplay Edge Frame models - W08C and W13A, the reset button hole is located above the SD card port.

For Nixplay Seed Frame models - W07A, W08D, and W10A, the reset button hole is located on the left side of the Frame, near the sensor.

For Nixplay Iris Frame models, the reset button hole is located on the side of the frame near the clear raised light sensor.

For Smart-Frame and Touchscreen W10K frame models, you will need to remove the small square back cover to see the reset button hole.

For Touchscreen W10P and W08K frame models, the reset button hole is located near the power plugin

4. While pressing and holding the reset button (you should be able to feel a click), plug the AC Adapter back in. (Please do not let go of the reset switch button) On the frame screen, once you see a red rectangle with a blue progress bar inside, you may now let go of the reset switch button. (For other frames, a clock and set of gears will appear when resetting the frame.)

5. Please be patient as it takes a few minutes to load displaying a blue loading bar, it may get delayed about halfway and that's normal.

6. After the update, you will be asked to connect the frame to your WIFI connection. Once the frame is connected to the WiFi, the serial number will show up on the screen.

7. After re-setting the frame, you will need to pair it again. While the frame displays the Serial Number: Log in to your Nixplay Account.

8. Go to Frames Tab then select "Pair New Frame". Enter your 16-digit Serial Number then proceed with the next steps provided on the Nixplay Web App or Mobile App.

This article also answers the questions:

  • How can I perform a factory re-set on my Nixplay frame?
  • How can I unpair my Nixplay frame?
  • How can I wipe all personalized settings and content from my Nixplay frame?